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At Lake Catholic High School, 学生们被要求参加有组织的着装和个人仪表规范. 本守则旨在促进学校认同,尊重每个人的个人尊严和独特性. 着装和个人仪容规范强调校服的统一性和个人谦虚,适合学习.

When a student enrolls at Lake Catholic High School, 有一种意识和理解,个人着装有特定的限制, 违反或曲解制服的行为将受到纪律处分, which may include referrals or exclusion from classes. 当学生在学校上课时,校服是正式强制执行的. 家长被认为是管理人员和老师的合作伙伴,在执行“学生个人仪容规范”时,有责任在孩子离开家之前检查他们的仪容. 

At school functions, 学生应该记住,他们是负责pp电子的好名字在任何时候,他们的外表应该反映良好的品味和适当的着装. 以下pp电子着装和个人形象的规定是为了帮助学生养成整洁的习惯而制定的, order, cleanliness, and appropriate dress for a variety of occasions. 着装、发型或外表的偏差违反了个人形象和着装规范. Students must be in compliance with the appearance code at all times.


*适当的着装:(这些标准适用于正常的学校着装日或便装日.学生不允许穿任何含有广告或提及任何烟草的衣服, drug, or alcohol product. No clothing article may contain any symbol, word, 或表达与pp电子社区对福音和天主教会传统的看法不一致的信息或主题的短语.

Students found out of dress code will receive a demerit. 学校将在整个学年进行着装检查.

Please note: This is the 2023-24 amended dress code policy. This policy is subject to change. 


Khaki colored (tan) dress pants are to be worn. A belt is required when pants are worn. 裤子必须穿在腰部,不允许尺寸过小或过大. Pants with emblems, patch pockets, back pocket rivets, rips and tears, or designs of any kind are not permitted. Corduroy, cargo, jogger, and jean style pants are prohibited.  

湖天主教批准格伦格纹裙(不短于3英寸以上的膝盖)通过购买 Schoolbelles. Undersized, oversized, or rolled skirts are not permitted. Skirts are a privilege, not a right; repeated violations will result in the removal of skirts from daily dress code. 

Long or short sleeved polos of either green, gray or white, with the Lake Catholic logo are permitted. 

Polo shirts must be purchased through the Lake Catholic Spirit Store. 

Shirts must remain fully tucked in. 

Undersized and oversized polos are prohibited. Polo衫必须保持良好的状态,不能有任何撕裂或撕裂. 

A POLO IS REQUIRED at all times. 

学校认可的绿色或灰色制服运动衫可与长袖或短袖polo衫搭配穿著. 所有船员领和四分之一拉链必须在湖天主教精神商店购买.  

Green or gray school approved sweaters may be worn. Sweaters must be purchased in the Lake Catholic Spirit Store. 湖天主教必须在毛衣里面穿白色、绿色或灰色的衬衫. 



Open toed or open back shoes are not permitted. 



All legwear must be full length solid gray or black color. 

Solid colored gray, white, or black socks must be worn at all times. 

Tights and leggings must be a uniform color and design throughout, and must be solid, free of holes or sheer material.  

Jewelry and makeup must be appropriate for a school environment. 


Nose piercing is permitted with clear stud only.  

Not permitted: Excessive bracelets and necklaces, fad haircuts and colors (blue, purple, pink, green, orange, red, etc.).

Tattoos may not be visible at any time. 

No septum piercing (bullhorn). 


Solid khaki colored (tan) dress pants are to be worn. A belt is required to be worn appropriately. 裤子必须穿在腰部,不允许尺寸过小或过大. 不允许穿带有标志、补丁口袋、后口袋铆钉的裤子. Corduroy, cargo, jogger and jean style pants are prohibited.

Long- or short-sleeved polos of either green, gray or white color, with the Lake Catholic logo are permitted. 

Polo shirts must be purchased through the Lake Catholic Spirit Store. 

Shirts must always be tucked in. Undersized and oversized polos are prohibited. Polo衫必须保持良好的状态,不能有任何撕裂或撕裂. 

POLO REQUIRED at all times. 

Ties will be worn with mass attire (neck tie or bow tie).

绿色或灰色校制服运动衫可与长袖或短袖polo衫搭配穿著. 所有船员领和四分之一拉链必须在湖天主教精神商店购买.

Green or gray school approved sweaters may be worn. Sweaters must be purchased in the Lake Catholic Spirit Store. 湖天主教必须在毛衣里面穿白色、绿色或灰色的衬衫

学生可以选择合适的鞋子,在合适的,干净的条件下. 不允许穿人字拖、洞洞鞋、带轮子/灯的鞋子以及其他吵闹或令人发指的鞋子. Open toed shoes are not permitted. 纯色袜子必须穿合适的颜色,以绿色、灰色、黑色或白色为限. 学校管理部门有权决定什么是夸张或离谱的鞋子.

Facial hair must be well kept and maintained at all times. 头发不能长到衣领下面,也不能盖住眼睛和耳朵. 

Visible ear piercings are allowed, in stud form only, 1 per ear.

Not permitted: fad haircuts, unnatural colors (blue, purple, pink, green, orange, red, etc) ponytails, mohawks, faux-hawks, excessive carvings or parts. 

Sideburns are not to extend below the earlobe. 

Ear gauging is not permitted. 

Tattoos may not be visible at any time.


SKIRTS - 湖天主教批准格伦格纹裙(不短于3英寸以上的膝盖)通过购买 Schoolbelles. Undersized and oversized skirts are not permitted.
SHIRTS - 短袖或长袖白色牛津风格衬衫/衬衫. 衬衫/女式衬衫必须塞进裤裆,解开的纽扣不得超过两颗. Undersized and oversized dress shirts/blouses are prohibited. Plain white t-shirts may be worn under the uniform shirts. 但是,汗衫的袖子长度必须与制服衬衫的袖子长度相匹配.
SHOES/SOCKS - Suitable leather or suede dress shoes are permitted. Shoes must be brown, black, gray or white. High heels, platform shoes, moccasins, sandals, slippers, athletic shoes and boots of any kind are not permitted. Dress shoes are to be clean and polished. 绿色、灰色、黑色或白色不透明的普通紧身衣必须与裙子搭配.

PANTS - Khaki colored (tan) dress pants are to be worn. Belt is to be worn with the pants. 裤子必须穿在腰部,不允许尺寸过小或过大. Pants with emblems, patch pockets, back pocket rivets, designs or loops of any kind are not permitted. Corduroy, cargo, jogger and jean style pants are prohibited.
SHIRTS - Long- or short-sleeve white Oxford style button down dress shirt. Shirts must be tucked in and fully buttons during the school day. Undersized and oversized dress shirts are prohibited. Plain white t-shirts may be worn under the uniform shirts. 但是,汗衫的袖子长度必须与制服衬衫的袖子长度相匹配.
TIES - 领带或领结应与白色牛津礼服衬衫搭配得体. 
SHOES/SOCKS - Suitable leather or suede dress shoes are permitted. Shoes must be brown, black, grey or white. Construction shoes, moccasins, sandals, slippers, athletic shoes and boots of any kind are not permitted. 正装鞋必须干净和/或擦得锃亮,并必须穿素色袜子(脚踝以上至少2英寸)。.  


在湖天主教精神商店购买的认可湖天主教精神服饰. Lake Catholic approved team or club shirts are acceptable. 湖天主教的衬衫/运动衫/毛衣必须穿在精神的便装日. No bare midriff/short skirts that show the waist are permitted.

Jeans, sweatpants, wind pants, capri pants (below the knee), khakis, 灯芯绒、无孔、完好的货物均可接受. Neither shorts nor skirts are permitted. All pants must be suitable for the school environment.

Casual shoes, gym shoes, or sandals in good condition are acceptable.

If you are not in spirit dress down attire, you must go to the Spirit Store, at your cost, to purchase appropriate attire.


湖天主教制服必须始终穿着的方式,是适当的学校环境. All parts of the uniform need to be in good condition. 制服上所有磨损的袖口、裂口、文字、标记和破洞都是不可接受的.

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